Each month Mia offers two powerful and transformational live group calls with clearings attached. In total, a minimum of 3.5 hours of clearings and soul alignments.
Each call brings you closer to your True Self by clearing any misalignment between your persona and your soul in relation to the topic of the month.
Downloadable replays are provided for each call. Listening to the replays is just as effective as attending a live call as all clearings are energetically embedded in the call.
Because of the spiritual nature of these calls there is no need to submit your details, as your guides will always know your major impediments and automatically clear all that needs clearing when in Mia’s energy.
You will also get the opportunity to ask Mia questions during each call. Mia can work simultaneously on clearings for the whole group while at the same time also providing answers and clearings for individual questions, thus providing maximum time to ask and answer your questions.
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Sunday February 9, 2025
Your soul “resides” at the core of your existence.
It makes contact with you before birth, during gestation, and it can take a few weeks after birth before a firm connection between your soul and you (as a newborn) is established.
When a person dies, the timing can (under natural circumstances) be known long before the person actually transits. When the transition happens, the opposite takes place. The soul will naturally withdraw from its earthly existence.
It will continue its existence in other, non-physical, dimensions.
Your soul carries a lot of love, but most people no longer remember, unless they retain a heart centered awareness.
Your soul contains a lot of wisdom and retains a lot of memories, such as your earlier and past life experiences.
During this call we will clear blockage preventing your soulbody's love to enter your life.
These calls are held every 2nd Sunday of every month at 6 pm ET except for public holidays and special celebrations.
Sunday February 16, 2025
This call gives you the opportunity to address issues about any topic, as long as your question is related to you and not others.
Questions about potential future outcomes cannot always be answered as the future depends on a variety of factors, including decisions you or others take that can influence the outcome.
The collective consciousness also includes unknown future events.
These future events, such as an economic collapse or depression can depend on other factors and are not always easy to predict.
Such major events can also sometime have an effect on your personal potential future outcomes.
These calls are held every 3rd Sunday of every month at 6 pm ET except for public holidays and special celebrations.
Some topics of past calls
- Coronavirus Clearings
- Clearings for Financial Blocks
- Emotional Clearings for Intimate Relationships
- Addressing Self Worth or lack of it
- Support for Empowerment
- Clearings and Clarity Career Improvement
- Clearings for Self Love
- Abundance versus Scarcity
- Business and Spirituality
- Clearings for Alignment with Your Soul
- Life Purpose
- Clearing Communication Issues
- Peace
- Hope and Fun
- Relationships in Society
- Love and self-love
- Environment and Changing Weather
- Clearing of Early Childhood Issues
- Love in Relationships
- Living Abundantly
- Success
- Flow Through Life or Struggle
- Overcoming of Fears
- Fears of Tall objects and Large Animals
- Releasing Stressful Daily Events
- Masculinity and Femininity
- Love, Soul, Spirit
- Economy and Your Future
- Your Consciousness And The Weather
- Duality versus Balance
Topics for Future Calls:
- Success in Business and Career
- Clearing Unconscious Blocks to Abundance
- Strengthening life force for physical well-being
- Improve focus or mental well-being
- Moving forwards clearing being stuck
- Clarity with your chosen path
- Purpose in Life
- Relationships
- Embracing Happiness
- Clearings for fears such as for severe flooding, drought, storms, thunder and lightning etc.
- Fears around major events such as earthquakes or vulcanos
- Issues around education or education systems
- Fears and issues around the economy
- Belief Systems Holding You Back
- Fears for The Future
- Soul And True Self
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I had laser surgery for diabetic retinopathy in my left eye in December 2009. It did not stop the bleeding instead it caused permanent scarring and flashing in my eye! In September 2011 after several very intense clearing sessions with Mia my eye has stopped bleeding. I have had diabetes type 1 for many years and at times I could no longer bring down my levels with just insulin alone. I called Mia with my readings at around 20 mmols and not being able to bring it down with insulin and after a 3 hour session, my BSL was back within the normal range. I can now manage my diabetes and with less insulin than before the healings. I was also given help with both ketoacidosis, with apparently only 4 hours to live, as well as a blood clot in my left arm. I have on many separate occasions had bad family situations just suddenly change for the better after a session. I highly recommend Mia’s healings to anyone who requires physical or emotional healing, or for those seeking an upgrade to a better version of themselves. Thank you so much Mia and Spirit, I certainly have a lot to be appreciative for. Amanda T. – Wynnum Australia
SCARCITY ISSUE AND COLD I had my personal issues of scarcity addressed on the live group call . I had a cold and felt run down as well and when I posted this in the chat box, Mia addressed this and informed me that I had to stop all energy work for 24hours to get some rest. Although issues addressed were for the group , I also got individual clearings in a group setting which I found priceless. The group calls were powerful Reenee Trinidad and Tobago
I received a distant clearing from Mia after my tonsillitis had still not improved when I was halfway through my second course of antibiotics. I had already been in bed for 7 days due to lack of energy and was unable to eat due to extreme pain in my throat. After only one brief distant clearing with Mia, my symptoms immediately eased whereby I was able to get up within a few hours and was able to eat solid food for the first time in a week and I was able to go back to work within 3 days. Two years later I was diagnosed with a cyst on my ovary which was not going away even while on medication. I received Mia’s help with the pain. The pain went away almost immediately after the healings occurred. Several weeks later my doctor did more tests and the cyst had completely disappeared. The doctor was surprised it had totally disappeared. Brittany DW. – Brisbane Australia
US MOVING HOME & CLEARING FEARS Mia den Haan group calls are powerful and have helped me to move to a new home, clear fears, and connect more fully with my soul. Love how Mia takes common threads and works with the group to clear and update them. She works with source energy and has high integrity. Mia den Haan has amazing abilities that connect to the heart/soul of the matter, she sees and has the ability to help us heal in multiple dimensions. How cool is that!? Kelly from California
What a wonderful Group call! This was the best call I ever participated in, with so much wisdom (delicious food for my soul) and deep inestimable teaching besides all those precious clearings. Thank you so so much.
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I have listened to a lot of calls and bought many packages but yours is so unique and powerful that I feel the need to tell you. You are the real thing. You cover a dimension that as yet has been untouched and I will say that whatever you have said rings true. You give me goose bumps on my arms which is when I know things are real and true. Thank you for all that you do for humanity.
J... Florida
I have participated in quite a few group sessions with healers from the telesummits but none can compare to the benefits I have received from Mia's sessions. With Spirit guiding the way, she has the ability to tune into and clear out core issues of the group. Mia's gifts are exceptional….above and beyond anything I have ever experienced. She's the real deal and I am grateful to have found her!
Although I have more clearing to go, I have cleared / eliminated a multi-year addiction / toxic relationship and i have cleared and become very aware of some past ancestral fears. I have cleared my doubts of moving into a new position, and I no longer feel stuck in my past doubtful areas. I am more aligned to my higher soul using the awesome clearings in your program.
Your group clearing calls are phenomenal! Truly the gift to one's self that keeps on giving! Not only does energy start moving and your soul starts to align, but as you listen to the replay, you also "discover" more each time you listen! Amazing! Michele
Thanks Mia for the free call. Very interesting. Just letting you know the one and one call. About my blood pressure. It dropped when you said it would. I am not surprised. I have had pains go away just my listening to your free calls. Thank you for sharing your gift with us. Eunice G.